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Comrade Flint and Penny Crow

A Dog's Tale

Updated: Jan 24, 2022

Book One:

Chapter Five: Lesson Number 2, How to Poo

In the morning Papa woke up early to find that I had left him a small surprise near the back door. I had eaten so much from the night before and my belly was full.

'Naughty Comrade! What have you done?'

He spent the next ten minutes cleaning my mess. First he picked up the poo with a plastic bag, and then he mopped it with detergent, white vinegar, and, for good measure, he finished it with Methylated spirits. Papa likes our house to be clean.

He placed a bowl of food outside for Gambit, who was fast asleep on his mat. Since it was too early for me and him to have breakfast he took our food with him. Papa is always well prepared with our meals and he took with him a bowl for my food and my very own water bottle. I would have liked to have tasted his breakfast but he didn't offer me any.

I fell asleep in our truck as soon as Papa began to make his deliveries. He had made several deliveries before I woke up because I was feeling hungry. At our next stop, he took out my food bowl and placed some of my tasty dried food in it. I ate quickly and he placed the special water bottle for me to drink. He attached the leash onto my special collar that has my name on it and he hooked it on our truck door so that I could stay guard.

Some other truckies, who wore similar high-visibility vests as Papa's, came over and patted me. They all knew my name because they saw my tag. Two nice ladies who worked in the front office also came out to pat me. They said that I was very cute, so I guess that means they like me. I like making new friends.

When papa finished that delivery we were back in the truck and driving to our next destination. Sometimes Papa's boss will contact him on the truck radio and tell him if he had to make a special trip for an extra pick-up or drop-off. It makes Papa feel very important and it also gives him a chance to earn more wages. I want to be a hard worker just like him.

Because of Papa's extra delivery that we had today, we arrived home late. Gambit was first to be fed, and then me, after which I was placed out into the backyard.

'Wee wee Comrade,' urged Papa and I peed at once a very long pee because I had held it all in for many hours.

'Good boy Comrade,' said Papa as he patted me. 'Now do some Poo poo.'

This time I knew what I had to do, but I had trouble finding the right spot. I ran up and down our long backyard, sniffing at the fence, and under many plants and near the vegetable patch, but Papa shooed me out of the patch. Suddenly the scent became stronger for me and I ran to the spot and began running around and around in a circle. Finally, I squatted on my haunches and pooed the biggest turd ever. Well, at least it felt that way. Papa laughed with joy as soon as he saw it so it must have been big.

'Good boy, Comrade, good boy. Well done!'

I had just completed lesson number 2 and Papa thinks that I am very clever. I heard him tell Mama as he spoke on the phone using 'Face Time' and showed her a video of me licking his face.

Papa and I were so tired from our long day that we both fell asleep on the couch. I was snuggled in his arms while he watched television. He didn't get to sleep much in his bed because it was almost time to wake up early again.

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